All about the different types of acne: causes and symptoms

Alles über die verschiedenen Arten von Akne: Ursachen und Symptome

Acne is a common skin problem that affects many people. There are different types of acne that differ in their causes and symptoms. In this blog post you will learn everything you need to know about the different types of acne and how you can best treat them.


Whiteheads, also known as comedones, are one of the most common forms of acne. They occur when sebaceous glands become clogged and the sebum can no longer drain away. This causes a small, white bump to form on the skin. Whiteheads can appear anywhere on the body, but are most common on the face, chest, and back.

The causes of whiteheads are varied. Hormonal changes often play a role, but stress, incorrect skin care or genetic factors can also contribute. To get rid of whiteheads, it is important to cleanse your skin thoroughly. In addition, special creams with active ingredients such as retinol or salicylic acid can help open the pores and break down sebum.


Blackheads, also known as comedones, look similar to whiteheads but are darker in color. They also arise from blocked sebaceous glands, but the sebum oxidizes on the surface and takes on a black color.

Blackheads mostly appear on the face, especially the nose, chin, and forehead. Hormonal factors, stress and incorrect skin care also play a role here. To get rid of blackheads, it is important to cleanse your skin thoroughly. In addition, special peeling products with fruit acids or retinol can help open the pores and break down sebum.


Papules are small, red, inflamed bumps on the skin that result from a buildup of bacteria and inflammatory cells. They can be painful and itchy and occur primarily on the face, back and chest.

The causes of papules are varied. Bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes often play a role and multiply in clogged pores. But stress, hormones and poor nutrition can also cause papules. To treat papules, anti-inflammatory agents such as benzoyl peroxide or antibiotics are often helpful.


Pustules are small, pus-filled bumps on the skin that occur due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands. They look similar to papules but are filled with pus and can be painful.

Pustules often occur together with papules and have similar causes. Bacteria, hormones, stress and poor nutrition can contribute. To treat pustules, anti-inflammatory agents such as benzoyl peroxide or antibiotics are often helpful. It is also important not to irritate the skin or press on the pustules.


Lumps are large, painful bumps under the skin that result from deep inflammation of the sebaceous glands. They can grow up to several centimeters in size and are often very painful.

Lumps occur mainly on the face, back and chest. The causes are usually hormonal changes, stress or overproduction of sebum. To treat lumps, prescription medications such as retinoids or antibiotics are often necessary. In severe cases, a cortisone injection can also help reduce the inflammation.


Cysts are large, fluid-filled bumps under the skin that result from inflammation of the sebaceous glands. They can grow to several centimeters in size and are often very painful.

Cysts occur primarily on the face, back and chest. The causes are usually hormonal changes, stress or overproduction of sebum. To treat cysts, prescription medications such as retinoids or antibiotics are often necessary. In severe cases, surgical removal of the cyst may also be necessary.

Mechanical Acne

Mechanical acne occurs due to external influences such as close contact with the skin, friction or pressure. Typical examples include acne caused by helmets, backpacks or tight-fitting clothing.

The cause of mechanical acne is that contact with the skin irritates and clogs the sebaceous glands. This can cause blackheads, papules and pustules to form. To avoid mechanical acne, it is important to minimize contact with the skin and wear loose, airy clothing.

Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is caused by fluctuations in hormone levels, which can lead to an overproduction of sebum. Typically, hormonal acne occurs in adolescents during puberty, women before menstruation or during menopause.

The causes of hormonal acne are varied and can include genetic factors, stress or medications that affect hormone levels. To treat hormonal acne, prescription medications such as oral contraceptives or antiandrogens are often necessary.

Medication-induced acne

Some medications can cause acne as a side effect. These include, for example, cortisone, lithium or certain antiepileptic drugs.

The reason is that these medications can affect hormone levels and thus stimulate the sebaceous glands. To treat medication-induced acne, it's important to talk to your doctor about alternative treatment options.


Acne is a complex skin problem with many different forms and causes. Depending on the type of acne, different treatment approaches are required. Thoroughly cleansing the skin, using anti-inflammatory agents and, in severe cases, prescription medication can help treat acne effectively.

It is also important to recognize the individual causes and address them specifically. In addition to skin care, this also includes factors such as stress, diet and hormones. Anyone who has acne should definitely see a dermatologist to find the right treatment.


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