How to overcome the initial aggravation of your acne treatment

Wie du die Erstverschlimmerung bei deiner Akne-Behandlung meisterst

If you've decided to tackle your acne with a new skin care routine, it's important to be prepared for the so-called "initial exacerbation." This temporary phenomenon can initially cause your skin to deteriorate before improving in the long term. But don't worry - with the right strategies you can master this transition phase well.

What is initial aggravation?

Purging, also known as purging, is a normal process that occurs with many acne treatments. If you use new, active ingredients such as retinols, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, they can initially trigger accelerated cell renewal and clearing of the pores. This causes clogged pores and impurities that were already under the skin to come to the surface.

Why does initial aggravation occur?

The initial worsening is a sign that the treatment is starting to take effect. The active ingredients work to regulate sebum production, reduce inflammation and shed dead skin cells. This process can initially cause symptoms to worsen before the skin improves in the long term.

Typical signs of initial deterioration

During the initial aggravation phase, the following changes to your skin may occur:

Increased pimples and impurities

You notice that more pimples and blackheads are forming than you are used to on your skin. This is a sign that the treatment is starting to clear pores and unclog sebaceous glands.

Redness and irritation

Your skin may temporarily appear more irritated, dry, and sensitive. This is a reaction to the active ingredients that work intensively on the skin.

How long does the initial deterioration last?

The duration of the initial aggravation phase is very individual and depends on various factors:

Average time span

In most cases, the initial aggravation lasts about 4-6 weeks before the skin begins to improve.

Individual differences

Some people experience a stronger or longer initial exacerbation than others. This can depend on your skin condition, the intensity of the treatment and your reaction speed.

Tips for dealing with the initial aggravation

Even though the initial exacerbation can be unpleasant, there are some strategies to help you get through this phase well:

Keep patience

It is important that you take your time and stick to the treatment consistently. Trust that your skin will improve in the long term.

Use sunscreen

Since your skin may be more sensitive during the initial exacerbation, it is important to protect it from UV radiation.

Reduce stress

Try to minimize stress in your everyday life, as it can make the initial aggravation worse. Take time for relaxation and self-care.

When should one see a doctor?

In most cases, the initial exacerbation is a normal and temporary process. However, you should see a doctor if:

Persistent or worsening symptoms

If your skin does not begin to improve after 6-8 weeks or symptoms even worsen, it is advisable to seek medical advice.

Allergic reactions

If you develop signs of an allergic reaction such as severe redness, swelling or itching, stop treatment immediately and seek medical attention.

Products to support during the initial exacerbation

There are some active ingredients and products that can help you better manage the initial exacerbation:

Soothing active ingredients

Soothing ingredients such as panthenol, centella asiatica or allantoin can relieve irritation and inflammation.

Hydrating products

Moisturizing creams and serums with hyaluronic acid or glycerin can soothe dry, irritated skin.

Long-term skin care after the initial exacerbation

Once the initial aggravation phase has passed, it is important to establish a regular skin care routine:

Establishing a routine

Find products that work well with your skin and build a simple but effective morning and evening skin care routine.

Regular inspections

Have your skin examined by a dermatologist periodically to monitor progress and make adjustments if necessary.


Initial exacerbation is a normal part of many acne treatments and is a sign that the active ingredients are starting to take effect. Although it may be frustrating at first, it is important to remain patient and continue treatment consistently. With the right care tips and a little perseverance, you will overcome the initial aggravation and benefit from healthy, radiant skin in the long term.


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