Lovely Lashes – 5er Pack
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Lovely Lashes – pack of 5

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gratis mit Code "Lashes" ab 50€

✅ Hohe Qualität: Synthetische Silk Lashes, weich, leicht & angenehm.
✅ Natürlicher Look: Verschiedene Styles für jeden Geschmack.
✅ Wiederverwendbar: Bis zu einem Monat haltbar mit guter Pflege.
✅ Vegan & tierversuchsfrei: Ethisch vertretbare Produktion.
✅ Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis: Preiswert im Vergleich zu anderen Luxus-Wimpern.

Sofort lieferbar - In 2-4 Tagen bei Dir Zuhause
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Kostenlose Lieferung ab 150€

Über 5.000 glückliche Kunden auf Instagram Kundenrezensionen: ★★★★★

SKU: MBL0002
Barcode: 20334010
Categories: Pack of 5 lashes

Lovely Lashes – pack of 5

With good care, you can use our eyelashes for up to a month.

When using eyelash curlers, apply care to the eyelash bands so as not to pull out any hairs.

Avoid moisture as this will cause the eyelashes to lose their curl.

After wearing, carefully remove eyelash glue with your fingers or cut lengthways along the edge with nail scissors.

You can also apply mascara to your eyelashes, but keep in mind that you won't be able to remove the mascara properly afterwards because no water should get on the eyelashes. You can comb them carefully with an eyelash brush to clean or straighten them.

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